Sunday, December 28, 2014

Live Action for Animals

Hi Everybody!

So, as you may or may not have noticed, I have revised the layout of my blog. I have removed some widgets and added others, and rearranged things. The main thing that I added is a fabulous Twitter feed widget! It is located in the sidebar right near the top, if you can't find it. It is set up to follow my vegan/ animal rights twitter handle: @Vegetabelle. It shows my most recent 5 posts. (There was a widget that will show your whole history, but it wasn't as pretty. If you want to see my entire history, just check out the Twitter profile.) I just thought it would be a cool thing to add so that you can see what peta2 missions I'm up to, inspiring images, photos of yummy food or vegan makeup, or so I can write a super-short vegan-related post and update it quickly without having to dedicate a whole blog post to it, but it will still be visible on my blog for those who follow my blog and aren't on twitter. For those of you who use Twitter, please hit me up! Follow me and tweet at me any questions you have, suggestions, tips, other random comments, or your favorite vegan things! (As an added bonus, any direct messages should appear on the blog. So you get to be all famous! Sort of. . . not really. . .) But anyway, if you're not following my twitter, you should be. If you're not following my blog, you should be. If you're not vegan, you should be. That is all. If you have any suggestions for other changes or additions I should make to my blog, PLEASE leave a comment below and tell me your ideas! I want to make this blog the best experience for everyone.

I love you guys! Thanks for reading!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Guide to Vegan Eggnog

So, I'm really annoyed right now. I was feeling all great about myself because I had written several blog posts the past few weeks, and I had finally gotten back into the swing of blogging. I had been using the Blogger app on my phone, and as it turns out, it published nothing of what I wrote. In fact, it's been “saving” for weeks now, and so I can't even access the drafts to recreate them on a computer. So, I'm going to try to rewrite some of the best ones. I actually had written a post on Thanksgiving Day comparing and contrasting the 3 vegan eggnogs that I've found. So, Christmas is over, but It's not New Year's right? So maybe it'll still be helpful? Oh well. At least you'll have a guide to post-holiday sales. So, here are my thoughts about these things. Happy All The Things.

1. Silk Holiday Nog

This stuff is perfect. It is, in my opinion, the closest flavor resemblance to real Eggnog. (Though, to be fair, I haven't had real Eggnog in a REEEAAAALLLLYYYY long time.) I can't get enough of it.

2. Dream Rice Nog

This stuff is not quite the same flavor as Eggnog, but it is a really good flavor. It's not quite as strong, so if you want to drink a larger serving, I would go for this one. It actually quenches thirst, because it's not as thick. (Bonus tip, use it to make vegan hot chocolate, and it tastes great!) The best part though, is that it is shelf stable, so you can stock up on it when it goes on sale, and have a year-round treat! (That is what I'm planning on doing.)

3. SoDelicious Coconut Nog

This stuff has seriously intense flavor. It's good, but I find it slightly overpowering. But, that means that if you're using it as an ingredient in holiday baking, it's perfect, because you'll actually be able to taste it! (Check out my post about Vegan Eggnog Cheesecake if you want ideas!) If you're a coffee drinker, this makes a good flavored latte, but I wouldn't really drink it straight up. It has larger particles of suspended spices, and so it has a slightly strange texture. But, if that doesn't bother you, and you like sweet things, then this is perfect for you.  

AAAAAANDDD how about a bonus thing? Since this is an unfortunately delayed post. . . 

4. West Soy Chocolate Peppermint Stick Soy Milk!

Yummy. (And on sale now probably because Christmas is over.) If you drink it cold, it's soy milk! If you drink it hot, it's hot chocolate! That is some serious holiday magic. This makes my inner child very happy.

 Have you tried any of these? What did you think about them? Did you find any other Faux Eggnogs? Are there any other holiday beverages that are a must have? Leave a comment below and tell me all about it! Happy Holidays!