Friday, October 4, 2013

A Few Updates

I started a YouTube beauty channel. Yeah. I finally jumped on the bandwagon. However, I hope that I am putting a new, refreshing spin on the whole girl-interested-in-fashion-or-cosmetics-starts-a-YouTube-channel-that-she-hopes-everyone-will-love-because-she's-just-that-special thing. I've been considering doing this for a while because I don't think there are many vegan/cruelty-free beauty channels. That's a problem, people. So, I am going to do my best to remedy that. By the way people, I'm still in the process of building the channel, so it's not very pretty yet. Bear with me. It'll be pretty soon. I do have one video up right now. It's part of a projected series called "College Cosmetics." Warning though, I have been experiencing a few technical difficulties with the video. Hopefully, those will be resolved shortly. Oh, since Google owns YouTube, this comes with a Google + page, which I plan to utilize for minor updates as well as alerts of things. I'd totally love for everyone to go follow it! Add me to ALL your circles! <3

Also, heads up, I'm changing the name of this blog to "Vegetabelle" and the web address is going to be . I hope that doesn't cause any problems for anyone! I know I've changed the name of the blog twice now, but I do not foresee any other changes in the future. I love the name vegetabelle. I think it's super-adoreable. I mean, it's like "vegetable" because it's about vegan stuff, and "belle," which is French for "beautiful," because it involves cosmetics and fashion.

I promise I'm not dropping the food section of this blog. In fact, I may even do cooking tutorials? I'm not sure. We'll have to see about that.

Everyone. I really need your feedback. If you like seeing my face and actually hear me talk and watch me demonstrate things, then I will continue with the beauty channel. If you people are like "meh, you've got a face for radio," then We can ll just pretend this never happened, and go back to blog-only.

Lastly, I would like to apologize for being so inactive recently. I am working on fixing that. I'm in a very project-oriented major right now for school, so that means not a whole lot of time to write or talk about my opinions on life, the universe, and everything. I'm super sorry.

If you have any questions or comments, PLEASE leave a comment for me. I love hearing from you awesome readers.

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