The recipe calls for:
- 1 (12-ounce) can pink lemonade concentrate
- 2 1/2 cups soy ice crream
- vegan graham cracker pie crust
I couldn't find pink lemonade concentrate for the life of me. Finally, I just gave up and bought regular, store-brand, lemonade concentrate. When I was mixing all the filling ingredients together, I added two packets of pink raspberry crystal light water-mix-in-powder-stuff to the filling to make it pink. Now, one of the coolest part about this recipe, is that you could mix in whatever flavor of water-mix-in-stuff that you want. You could put fruit punch, grape (which would be awesome, because grape lemonade is delicious,) or whatever your heart desired. You could also use orange juice concentrate instead of lemonade concentrate, or whatever flavor of concentrate that you wanted! I am actually thinking about experimenting with different concentrates in this recipe.
I did use soy ice cream for this recipe, simply because the containers for the soy ice cream at my grocery store are bigger than the containers of coconut ice cream. In my opinion, coconut ice cream tastes closer to regular un-vegan ice cream. By the way you all, I think the recipe means for you to assume vanilla ice cream. Which, yes. Use vanilla ice cream, unless you wanted to experiment with flavors such as chocolate with orange juice concentrate. Would it taste like chocolate oranges that people always buy at Christmas? Hmmm. . . it's a good thing that this recipe is so simple, because I have a feeling that I will be making a lot of it in the future. Anyway, I used So Delicious Creamy Vanilla.
Alright. I was completely unable to find gluten-free, vegan graham cracker pie crust. I couldn't even find gluten-free, vegan graham crackers to make my own pie crust! I ended up using cookies to make my own pie crust. I used a combination of Enjoy Life Sugar Crisp cookies and Dr. Lucy's Cinnamon Thins, but I would have bought the Dr. Lucy's sugar cookies if I'd been able to find them. I also used Earth Balance Vegan Buttery Sticks to make the crust.
Here is my finished pie:
The crust got a little bit crispy as you can see. Oops! It still tasted great. When you accidentally burn sugar, it just tastes like caramel.
Don't you just wish I could hand you a bite of this through your screen? Mmmmmmmmm. So yummy.
This recipe is now gong to be one of my "go-to" recipes. It's so delicious and easy (especially if you don't have to make your own crust.) You absolutely have to store it in the freezer though. My dad moved the last slice of mine into the refrigerator, and it turned into a puddle and disintegrated the crust. So sad. Really. It was very sad. Rest in peace, piece of pink princess pie. (Try saying that 5 times, fast.) This stuff is great. I will definitely make it again, for any excuse I can come up with. Got your tonsils taken out? Here. I'll bring over one of these pies, and I'll eat most of it for you. How does that sound? Great!
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